

Semptember 23  Ive never heard this before but it would make a sound since everything in this world does.  October 6  How i would start making friends is by starting a random conversation maybe by making fun of teachers or something but usually by making jokes.  October 9  At my funeral i feel people would just say the same things and others would say something like how i was as a person and say the same things other people will say to other peoples funeral like saying nice things about them.


 This story is a very odd and a type of story that i would enjoy if there were other story's connected to this one and I have some thoughts in my mind on how to finish the cliff hanger. My first thought is finish were it ended but this time have Leonard having a gun because we still don't know if the police officer let him go or if it was someone in his home trying to hurt him. Another suggestion is DONT ADD TO MUCH DEATIL, that's another thing about books I hate they add to much details in what they're doing its just suppose to be what they are doing and how are they feeling , yeah its cool explaining how the day feels but when they add to much of that it just starts to become boring. Overall this story is amazing but the one thing i would change is the to much information that doesn't need to be added but other than that i highly recommend this story to other people because hopefully everyone start questing the book at the end and they want another story to this b...


 The year starts of on a very odd date and it is so ahead from our time, those are the type of books I enjoy reading. When the story begins it starts of by him talking about how he goes in these long walks and doesn't get home until midnight but that's not all the story continues to get more and more interring when he gets home he notices someone in his house and every time when i read a book where there's something about to go on such as in this case ill be reading in closer trying to figure out who it is. Its one of those story's I really enjoy reading because at the end it has a cliffhanger and your just so bound to see what happens because what really did happen Leonard mead did the cop release him or who even was the stranger.


 The very first thought i had in my mind was it was cool how it took place in the year 2053 my first reaction to that was amazing because it never told us about things we thought were soon to be invented like cars in the air or anything newer than todays technology.When the story gets more and more detail you can see that its just a simple mad who minds his own businees wanting to cool down on society maybe so he takes these long walks and based on my first impression this story is action and calm at the same time and i really enjoy that.


I would react with anger and embarrassment because me thinking i won millions of money and then just getting less than 5 dollars after i just heard even more people one as well. I wouldn't really go all out and over react because well I didn't really work for that money nor did i earn what so ever so it really wouldn't make no sense on why I should get a lot of money without earning it.At the end of the day it was a easy come and a easy go.


When I read, and that's really rare when I do I get lost in the book thinking I'm part of the story witnessing everything that happens threw out the book. I get so lost into the book that I forget what's happening all around but it has to be a specific type of book to catch my attention and I'm not talking about no diary of a wimpy kid or anything like that I'm talking about real life events or murder books. I remember back in seventh grade being kind of interested in books but not really as i said but i do recall when I had to write in my agenda's and this one particular time he made us write our own mini book in agenda's and I wrote mine being so interested in what I wrote and I tried finding books just like how I wrote mine. As years went by i discovered these amazing books by different authors, the book I'm interested in right now is devil in the white city by Erick Larson and the thing with this book the timeline is back in the 1800s and those type ...

Opinion's about The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock

 When I read this poem I could understand from just reading the first couple lines it wasn't about specifically loving a person because love doesn't have to mean loving someone it can mean loving what you like doing you consider that a love for that passion or thing. It confused others by how he wrote many specific details that make him wonder off his mind such as ' The yellow fog that rubs its back upon the window-panes,Licked its tongue into the corners of the evening" those are creative thinking and it shows a lot about J.Alfre Prufrock. I rate this poem a 8/10. k